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Shelter and NFI Staffing

Last updated: 14 Mar 2023


Staffing considerations for Shelter and NFI Programmes

Shelter and NFI programmes often require substantial human resources to set up and implement operations. When developing Shelter and NFI proposals and designing the staffing structure of a shelter and NFI team, do not underestimate this requirement in budget planning.

Have a plan for ramping up, scaling down, and implementing the staffing plan. Be particularly aware of the needs for longer term staffing of projects from the outset, rather than filling gaps with multiple short term deployments. Plans should ensure the relevant expertise is in the staffing structure. This may include community mobilisers, structural engineers, site planners, coordination staff, information managers or lawyers to support on due diligence in Housing, Land and Property (HLP).

Below is an example of a Shelter and NFI Programme with Cluster Coordination, Pipeline management and distribution as part of their interventions. Keep in mind that when using integrated programming, such as the "Settlement Approach", the team will need a broader skill-set.

Generic Shelter and NFI Organigram


For more information, please contact the Shelter and Settlements Unit in Geneva: ShelterSupport@iom.int.

Please also find the contact information to the larger IOM Shelter Reference Group, composed of operational staff in the field: ShelterReferenceGroup@iom.int.