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Feedback and Complaint Mechanisms in Shelter Operations

Last updated: 14 Mar 2023


Feedback Mechanisms

A feedback mechanism is a set of procedures which provides a channel for affected populations to communicate with IOM and ensure that IOM is able to respond or adapt programmes to any issues and suggestions arising.

All IOM Shelter and NFI Programmes should establish ways for receiving feedbacks from affected populations in order to ensure that issues are heard and acted upon throughout the implementation of programmes. The mechanisms can be different depending on the size and types of programmes. In order to establish and activate feedback mechanisms, programme teams need to 1) define purpose, expected uses and needs of the mechanism; 2) method/s for collecting, recording and sorting feedback; 3) method/s for follow-up, implementing corrective actions and respond to the feedback received; and 4) methods to analysis and report on the feedback received and actions taken in result of the feedback.

Examples of ways that can be used to collect feedback include individual interviews / surveys or focus group discussions (e.g. as part of Post Distribution Monitoring), community focal points, feedback boxes at project sites, SMS messaging, social media, telephone hotlines and more.

With all feedback and complaints mechanisms active follow-up must be conducted. Without this, expectations are raised and harm can be done. Additionally, there must be care taken to "protect the whistle blower", i.e. ensure that there are no negative repercussions for those who raise a complaint.

For further information and guidance in regards to feedback mechanisms in IOM shelter operations please see "Guidance on Establishing Feedback Mechanisms" in the Guidance Documents and Tools for Shelter-NFI entry.


For more information, please contact the Shelter and Settlements Unit in Geneva: ShelterSupport@iom.int.

Please also find the contact information to the IOM Shelter Reference Group: ShelterReferenceGroup@iom.int.