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Migration Governance Framework (MiGOF)

Last updated: 14 Mar 2023


Migration is a complex and broad field of work. As such, there is no single convention or framework that presents a comprehensive, concise and practical approach to migration governance. IOM's Migration Governance Framework (MiGOF) sets out a structure in which States and IOM can work together to address migration issues. The framework presents the ideal version of migration governance, to which States can aspire, and for which IOM can provide support and assistance, it offers a concise view of an ideal approach that allows a State to determine what it might need to govern migration well and in a way that fits its circumstances.

The Council document on the MiGOF is available in the References and Tools section.


The MiGOF is comprised of three principles and three objectives:


Principle 1: Good migration governance would require adherence to international standards and the fulfilment of migrants' rights.

Principle 2: Migration and related policies are best formulated using evidence and whole of government approaches.

Principle 3: Good migration governance relies on strong partnerships.


Objective 1: Good migration governance and related policy should seek to advance the socioeconomic well-being of migrants and society.

Objective 2: Good migration governance is based on effective responses to the mobility dimensions of crises.1

Objective 3: Migration should take place in a safe, orderly and dignified manner.


The MiGOF should be used to guide IOM's work in capacity building, providing policy advice and developing specific programmes. This could include training, tools and assessment models. The Framework should be used to facilitate planning and reporting on how IOM contributes to migration governance, with a focus on results that are measurable and concrete. This will improve IOM's ability to give focus to its work, and to measure and communicate its impact.


For more information please contact the DOE RTS in your region.


1 The Migration Crisis Operational Framework, or MCOF, provides a framework for advancing Objective 2 of the MiGOF.

Key Points

  • IOM's MiGOF sets out a structure in which States and IOM can work together to address migration issues.