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DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONAL GUIDANCE/TOOLKIT: 16. Key Considerations for Project Proposals

Last updated: 25 Sep 2023

Visión general

Refer to IOM Project Handbook for comprehensive guidance on proposal development. 

For distributions, make sure your proposal defines at least:

  • Why is a distribution needed (needs assessments)
  • Why not cash (if applicable)
  • Who needs assistance and why, including specific groups, the specific needs of men, women, boys, girls? (needs assessments)
  • What assistance is needed and why? (needs assessments)
  • Who will receive the items (targeting and selection criteria)
  • How will the distributions be conducted (blanket/target, door to door, etc.)
  • What are the expected outcomes 
  • How will you measure results
  • What measures will to take to prevent SEA, and to monitor and mitigate protection risks


Results Matrix

The Results Matrix (closely resembles a logical framework) is IOM’s strategic management tool that supports designing operational framework and serves as a foundation for the monitoring and evaluation activities. Include achievable and measurable indicators, target figures, and data source for verification. 

See example of indicators and source of verification in the table below.

Check donor required or recommended indicators as well as cluster/sector/working group. 

Indicator Source for verification
# of HHs/individuals that received NFI Kits
(may also be disaggregated by item)
  • List of beneficiary signatures
  • Distribution reports
# of HHs/individuals received technical assistance/awareness raising during the distribution
  • Attendance lists
  • Distribution reports
# of partners signed distribution agreements Signed distribution agreements by both parties
# of partners signed agreements to access to the Common Pipeline that is functional with warehousing/transportation supports Signed pipeline agreements by both parties
# of NFI kits procured and made available for the Common Pipeline Partners Warehouse stock report
% of beneficiaries that found goods and services adequate and/or necessary PDM/satisfaction survey report


Work Plan

The duration should be minimum 3‐6 months for distribution project (though longer preferred – particularly in complex crisis/conflict). If not, explain the reason why it can be implemented quickly in the project proposal. Following points should be reflected in the work plan.

  • The work plan should include the process for need assessment, procurement, coordination and community mobilization, staff recruitment/training, beneficiary selection/registration, and Post Distribution Monitoring. 
  • Considering procurement lead time which in many cases may take longer than expected, Purchase Request Form (PRF) should be developed and duly signed as early as possible by the programme side. To do so, it is vital to commence the need assessment and identification of NFI as soon as the project activation is anticipated.
  • PDM should be conducted at least 2 weeks after the distribution, consider sufficient time is allocated for PDM before the end of the project. 



Ensure budgets are allocated towards the set indicators. Note that budget is at the level of detail required by the donor. Adding too much detail on the proposal, which is good for the mission’s planning though, will limit the project implementation if the situations change.

Make sure to include following items are adequately budgeted:

  • Sufficient dedicated staff with adequate grades, especially for new programmes
  • Reasonable accommodations cost (for people with disabilities) e.g. cost for making sure the distribution site is accessible for all, making IEC materials in audio form or using large fonts. having items that cater to people with specific needs (elderly kits, etc.)
  • Budget for M&E activities (including PDMs)
  • If working with IPs, Partner’s cost
  • Warehousing and transportation
  • IT equipment (tablets, mobile phones, etc.)
  • Field distribution teams, including daily staff and labours (these are often be covered from operational budget, coordinate with HR and resource management unit)
  • Distribution staff training cost
  • Field (rental) vehicles (if mobility of field staff cannot be covered by office vehicles – coordinate with logistic and resource management unit) 
  • Cash for Work, if hiring porters or construction support etc
  • Technical assistance/awareness raising and developing/printing IEC materials
  • Complaints and Feedback Mechanism


Mosquito Nets LLIN Request

For the project proposals that include procurement and distribution of mosquito nets, if funded by certain donors, following request letter need to be annexed with the proposal document. 

Resources File Format Language
BHA Emergency Application Guidelines: Health Annex A - Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets
(USAID 2021)
Word EN


For more information, please contact the Shelter and Settlements Unit in Geneva: ShelterSupport@iom.int.

Please also find the contact information to the IOM Shelter Reference Group: ShelterReferenceGroup@iom.int.