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Pre-Crisis Coordination Structure

Last updated: 21 Sep 2022

Visión general

It is important to be aware of the status of pre-crisis coordination structures. If these structures continue to operate, IOM should continue to participate in these platforms. If these structures are temporarily suspended, IOM should keep in touch with meeting conveners to ensure that IOM can participate in the platforms once the situation in country permits. Staying engaged in pre-crisis coordination structures will enable IOM to strategically position itself to transition out of the emergency phase once the conditions in the country allow for longer term programming to resume.

Consideraciones clave

Below is a list of different coordination platforms that may exist in a country prior to a crisis. Note that the names of the platforms/teams may change depending on the context but the discussions and responsibilities of the platforms/teams will be similar.

United Nations Country Team (UNCT): The UNCT, chaired by the Resident Coordinator (RC), is the inter-agency coordination and joint decision-making body for all development aspects of the UN system at the country level. Representation is usually at the Chief of Mission (COM)/Country Director level.

Programme Management Team (PMT): The PMT supports the UNCT by providing programmatic guidance for development programmes and is usually the forum where United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs) are drafted and progress against UNDAF objectives are monitored. Representation is usually at the programme coordination or management level (Deputy Representative for most UN agencies).

Operations Management Team (OMT): The OMT works to ensure efficient, streamlined and coordinated administrative management system among UNCT members. Representation at the OMT is usually assured by the most senior administrative staff of UN agencies and the Resource Management Officer (RMO), in the case of IOM.

Security Management Team (SMT): The Security Management Team is chaired by the Designated Official (DO), who is the most senior UN official in country, the heads of UN agencies, the IOM COM, and the UN Chief Security Advisor. The Security Management Team advises the DO on all security related matters at the duty station. In integrated peacekeeping or political missions, where the Head of Mission/Special Representative of the Secretary General serves as the Designated Official, the Team may also include Heads of Sections. As IOM is a full member of the UN Security Management System, IOM COM participation in SMT meetings is mandatory. In most contexts, IOM field security advisors/officers are able to attend SMT meetings as observers, together with those of other agencies.


For more information on how to engage in these different coordination structures, contact the DOE RTS in the region.