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Coordination in Different Contexts

Last updated: 09 Nov 2022

Visión general

Coordination in a humanitarian response aims to improve the efficiency of the provision of aid, maximize resources and reduce duplication and inefficiency in service delivery. It is important to ensure that IOM is present in all coordination platforms that are relevant to IOM's operations. This will ensure that IOM maintains partnerships with relevant stakeholders and that information is shared between IOM and other partners. As much as possible, IOM should embed itself in coordination platforms at the national and subnational level for strategic positioning, to facilitate information sharing and to ensure that IOM's response interventions can be developed inline with the overall strategy in country.

While generic coordination structures exist it is important to note that these structures are adapted to the context and thus can vary from one country to another.

This entry aims to provide information on the generic frameworks that can help Country Offices then identify how these generic frameworks have been adapted to the context.