Emergency Protocols - IASC 'Scale Up' Activation and IOM L3 Activation
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IASC "Scale-Up" Activation
One of the key changes that came from the Transformative Agenda (TA) is the IASC's decision to eliminate the previous system of classifying emergencies as Level 1, 2, or 3 and replacing it with the "Scale-Up" protocols.
A system-wide "Scale-Up" is called for when the gravity of a humanitarian situation calls for the rapid mobilization of capacities and resources to respond to critical humanitarian needs on the ground. The decision to activate these protocols is made by the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC), in consultation with the IASC principles (or the Director-General of the WHO in the event of an Infectious Disease event). This determination is made on the analysis of five criteria: scale, complexity, urgency, capacity, and risk of failure to deliver effectively and at scale to affected populations.
A Scale-Up activation puts in place mechanisms and tools to ensure that the humanitarian system delivers life-saving assistance effectively, in a coordinated manner, and with appropriate monitoring. Following a Scale-Up activation, the ERC will appoint a Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) who will oversee operations at of the IASC on the field level. The HC is given an empowered leadership role in order to coordinate the international humanitarian response, make timely decisions in coordination with the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), and lead the discussion in determining which clusters to activate for the emergency response, and which agency will serve as cluster lead.
A Scale-Up activation also commits IASC member organizations to put in place enhanced systems and mobilize resources to contribute to the humanitarian response within their areas of expertise. However, the Scale-Up Activation is meant to be exceptional and time-limited. The initial Scale-Up period should not exceed six-months, with one additional three-month extension to be considered in exceptional circumstances. The priority is to revert as soon as possible to the regular methods of operation within the humanitarian system, under a strong national leadership. Ideally, during the Scale-Up period, the system sets up the required capacities, such that the activation should not have to be extended. The procedure mandates that a transition plan to deactivate the "Scale-Up" be announced by the IASC principals towards the end of the activation period.
IASC Scale-up Activation Timeline
Relevancia para las Operaciones de Emergencia de la IOM
IOM L3 Emergency Activation
In contrast to the IASC, IOM and many other UN organizations, have chosen to keep the Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 emergency classification system. The 2011 Corporate Emergency Activation Procedure outlines IOM's procedures for internal emergency activation. Under these procedures, a whole-of-IOM L3 Emergency Response is activated upon declaration by the DG, in consultation with the Director of the Department of Operations and Emergencies (DOE). As a member of the IASC, the activation of the Scale-Up compels IOM to respond in-kind and to-date so that each Scale-Up has been matched by an IOM L3 Emergency Activation. However, in cases where emergencies have a substantive migration crisis component that would require a significant response from IOM and not necessarily other IASC stakeholders, IOM can declare an internal L3 activation, independent of IASC action, to enable the organization to scale up response to respond to a migration crisis.
Once the DG has declared an L3 emergency, they will appoint a Migration Emergency Coordinator (MEC), historically the Head of DOE, to oversee the IOM emergency response. Additionally, all IOM departments and divisions are requested to prioritize support to humanitarian operations in the affected missions and certain expedited procedures go into effect to ensure a timely and appropriate IOM humanitarian response.
For more specific details on IOM action, please refer to the 2015 Level 3 (L3) Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) document which provides more detailed guidance on the process of L3 activation at the country, regional and headquarters level.
The SOPs are intended to assist all relevant staff in planning for and responding effectively to the needs of crisis affected populations, including migrants, internally displaced people and other affected communities in humanitarian settings in an organized, systematic and predictable manner in line with IOM's Constitution and Strategy. The standard operating procedure also clarifies the reporting lines in Level 3 emergencies by establishing a clear line of authority that will strengthen IOM's capacity to respond immediately to such large-scale crises.
For more information on IOM's internal processes for L3 Emergencies, go to the IOM Corporate Emergency Activation entry.
For more information on the Transformative Agenda contact: prdcore@iom.int.